Saturday, January 15, 2011


MANDATORY REMINDER from CNN:NASA reports that by the next 10 months, earth gets hotter by 4 degrees from now. Himalayan glaciers are melting @ rapid rate. Our climate is changing drastically & it's getting worst. We must help fight Global Warming by doing the ff steps:1.Plant more trees 2.Don't waste water 3.Use cloth bag and don't burn plastic.
Do your share. SAVE EARTH.

hoho, ptt la skunk nak g kelas pun, adoii. xsampi pe minit dh berpeluh. adoii. oke lg 2, kalo ak bertukr itam sbb sunburn. no wayy man. huu. ganu pun pnas derr, dkt ngn pntai, pk sndiri laa. n ak rase tmpt laen pun sme gukk. kalo ngara luar mybe dorg xrse sgt, sbb dorg bukn brada ats garisan khatulistiwa* geo ak A. haha. thts y dorg xrse pns sgt. tp, ice2 kt north n south 2 dh caer derr. mcm aiskrim dlm ABC. imagine laa. bole jd titanic ketiga kott.

btw, sume ni dugaan tuhan yg maha Kuasa. tp kite leh ubah. usaha 2 pntg la baii. jge la earth bumi ni molek2. kite khalifahutk memakmurkn bumi nie bukn roskkn. gomen skunk dh bwt No Plastic on Saturday, haha nice whatt en. suport22. bwk la beg ape2 dr rumah, xyah gune itu plastik. lg stu, kalo nk buang smpah buang la kt tong smpah der, xreti ek. nk kne ajr ke, xgi skolh pe. korg g pun ponteng. baek xyahh. haha. bnde nie utk mse depan. cnth, ttbe ank ko berkata *asl ayah ngn mak roskkn sungai 2. adek bru nk mandi ngn tgkp2 ikan. dak2 xtipuu wey, suci lg.
dorg pun nk mdi kt PD n sungai congkak.

so kalo org krajaan ade dgr nie. bwt la kempen zero garbage on road ke, zero littering, nice whaat. huu. development are okey. but do with eco-friendly. du damage the surronding. pluss, please. our land, is the precious heritage, do not ruin it. hahaa. the nenek moyang fight to freedom of this country. use it wisely.

ak malas nk ckp byk2 la. bnde nie ak dpt kt fb, so, ttbe ade ting*ade lmpu ats pale. idea muncul, ak tulis je la ape ak pk. haha. xbpe detail pun, kalo detail, bpk buhsn, mcm bku sjrah nnty korg xbce. haha. kalo ade otak, gunekn dan pk laa. haha. ak nk kawen n ade ank bia dorg rse ape yg kite nikmatii. :D

kalo ak punye ko rse poyoo, hahaha. xyah bce, bwt la ape korg suke :P

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