Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Raya Celeb

maen bunga api mse mlm raye :D


lompat. sronok dpt duet. haha

so, the time has come. haha. dpt guk ak raya kt kg. igt terpkse raye kt ganu. haha.
however, tis raya just the same as the last raya. but the different is, this year my family pray at Masjid Putra. after the prayer, we going back to BT.9 CHERAS. yeah. my kampung u know. as soon i reached there, i saw my relatives already present. and ate all those delicious dish. fuuhhh, mmg terliur sioodd.

the first son and his family. kluarga en.yunus

and and, what u know, this raya i got a full time job. as what? as photographer.
bezz kile kott, penat? bese rr, tp bez. actually, ijat and i laa. dua org photogrpher. he brought his sony alpha, and i brought the d90. cool

the second daughter and her family. kluarga pn. asiah

so, byk guk la ak tgkp. tp kalo nk upload smpi sok n sok xabes. 2 yg mls 2.
sronok rr, org dtg kt umah nenek pun rmai. xhenti2. pnt baii nk lyn. tdooo.

the third son and his family. kluarga en.ghani

oke, ktorg pun ade jalan2 kt umah sdare laen2. dkt je pun. tp, pnt rr, knyg.
sume msk sdp22. kt umah nenek lg laa, xyah nk ckp. org minang bwat, mmg xleh tolak.
o yee, im a minang. ade la guk darah nyee.

the forth son and his family. kluarga en. rahman

well, raya are about the kemaafan dan keampunan kn. haha. tp penting guk yg psl sampul 2. ak cuak guk xdpt duet raye this year. but, eventually, dpt. hooorayy.
well, not much as last year, but oke laa.

the fifth daughter and her family. kluarga misah

nk ckp ape lg ek, hurmm. ak dpt jmpe sume sdare2 spupu2 yg laen. raye en, bese rr 2.
korg pun sme guk en.

the sixth daughter and her family. kluarga cik adek

dr first ke second round. ke third round. mkn je dooee. mmg naek kott berat ak. adooi. mkn n mkn.
btw, adek bradek belah ayah ade 10 org. this is the only 6 yg dh kawen. other 4 lum lg.

kat sni la dlu2 ak maen kejar2 kott. hee. n n dorg tgh tonton jgn lupe lirikk raye3x.

due2 gmbr nie. ats ngan bwh nie adalh org yg jage saye mse kecik2 dlu.
terima kasih, n mereka trkjut tgk sya dh besar dh. dlu pkai pampers je. hahahaha

nie la spupu2 saye, haha. tgkk rr, mls nk cite. pnt dah type.




sbnrnye, byk lg gmbr, tp nk upload lmbt. leceh. tgk kt facebook ade. gmbr kt klang lg. smpt nnty uplaod laa. heee.
so, ak tamat la kt sni. pnt dh nk cite. afterall, ak dh pnt, nk tdoo dh nie.
choww, eh eh. hepi eid fitri. nk duet raye dr korg guk baii.

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