Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jom Heboh Putrajaya 2010

ehh, lame dh xpost kt blog. busy doee, sorry kile. im been busy now, with friends, family and time that never waits for me. of course la en, time waits for no mans. btw, as time goes by, many things had happened. some are goods, some are bads. yet, this is a life that need to go on. haha.
recently, i went to the Jom Heboh festival at Putrajaya. its the first time the tv3 and other the parties organised such as a event at Putrajaya the city of garden. since its nearby, it is a chance that should never lt go. so, i going with my family of pizza hut. haha. trully, it was a memorable memory. we got to spend our time outside the pizza.
first, we met at Putra Sentral. waitind for everyone to arrived. and took bus to get there. the bus just like a tin sardin dlm 2. klaka doe. but, bia la.
so, jom heboh agk pns laa. because we went there at noon. so, the sun is just striking above of our head. we strolling to every booth, we sweating and fanning ourselves with the brosure we got. and bought several of drink to keep our thirsty off. most of all, we snap our memory into the DSLR. haha. i bring mine. so, below is the few photo that been took.

then the most interesting part is, the hari belia carnival also held at the same day. so, the Putrjaya was full of people. and the heat is turning on. haha.
the best part of the hari belia is the lorong seni. where the artisant and the fan get around and share their same interest. so, im involved. as the photographer, i joined them so, this a few pictures. and i had a chances to shoot a model among other photographers. take a look.

the model

the photographers

so, i hope this event will be held again. i enjoyed the event and i hope you also felt the same.
until then, we will meet again, adioss